About the Coffee

Coffee available from Bean Me Up is sourced from around the world, with an emphasis on the quality of the coffee and the quality of the supply chain. Our coffee is always bought under Fair Trade and in many cases holds at least one of the following certificates: Organic, Farm Friendly, Bird Friendly and Rain Forest Alliance certified.

Freshness is a huge issue with store-bought coffee, the cup quality of coffee declines quickly after roasting. After 5 days the aromatics of the coffee are fading, and after 10 days there is a drop in overall cup quality in most roasts. Bean Me Up coffee beans are not roasted until the day before or day of your delivery date (Roasted date printed on bag). Lord knows how old the big-brand coffees sold in supermarkets and cafes truly is.

Our unroasted coffee stock is kept in paper bags in a sealed wood crate. Storage temperature is kept stable and the unroasted (green) beans are kept away from light. Your coffee is typically roasted to "Second Crack", this means either a Full City or Full City+ roast level. I've found a Full City roast is best with keeping the beans origin characteristics while creating a smooth and delicious cup.